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MOTU Digital Performer Patch list for FreeMIDI

Installation Instructions:

Download and unstuff the patch list for the MOTIF.

Put the “MOTIF 6/7/8” document in your Yamaha default names folder, located in
the FreeMIDI folder, inside of your system folder. (Make sure that the name of the file is exactly as it appears above.)

System Folder / FreeMIDI folder / Default Names folder / Yamaha folder

Also copy and paste the string of information below into your FreeMIDI
Devices document in the text where the Yamaha devices are listed in the document. Be sure to place it in alphabetically. This document is also located in the FreeMIDI folder, inside of your system folder.

System Folder / FreeMIDI Folder / FreeMIDI Devices

1. Copy the line below exactly
2. Open the devices document located in the FreeMIDI folder
3. Scroll down in the text of the devices document to the Yamaha list of devices

Insert the copied line into the list in the proper location alphabetically

:MOTIF 6/7/8 #2500"1,7,8,9"{1-16;1}MOTIF678.sit
