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Viewing topic "S90 powers on but no display"

Posted on: March 15, 2023 @ 09:21 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  03-15-2023
status: Newcomer

Hi there everyone,
New here :)

I purchased a s90 for a decent price about 3-4 years ago due to an error it had.
I can’t remember the error it had but upon doing research back then when I bought it, it was a bad capacitor.
Back then I stored it away to fix it later, now the time has come to it.

Only now it powers on but nothing is on the screen, no sound coming out and pressing “master utility store” while powering on does nothing.

I do hear some popping sounds coming in and out of the headphones when turning it on and off.

Any recommendations?
I do know a thing of two of soldering, can it be a bad capacitor?

Here is a video of the issue

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