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Viewing topic "Flute sound without vibrato"

Posted on: January 26, 2023 @ 08:35 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  12-11-2003
status: Newcomer

One of the nicest sounds on my Motif ES is the flute, with all its variations. However, I don’t find it that useful because it’s got permanent vibrato. I would think that, as with someone’s voice, the interplay between vibrato off and on is the most striking.

Perhaps about 15 years ago, give or take, I had seen a post where someone gave a link to a similar patch without vibrato. At the time, I didn’t have the expertise nor the time to figure out how to get that sound into my Motif. Being retired now, I could hopefully figure it out. That is, if I can find the link to that patch. I have searched, but haven’t been able to find it. I have also, on another forum, heard of a Yamaha GM flute patch which, though without vibrato, isn’t that good. So, I guess I’m looking for something as good as the Motif ES patch but without burned in vibrato

If someone knows, or at least can suggest a better way to search other than, “flute without vibrato,” I would appreciate any input.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Posted on: February 05, 2023 @ 08:49 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  12-11-2003
status: Newcomer

Wow, about 190 people have looked at my message, yet nobody has replied. I do realize that they probably just don’t have a good answer. But, I’ll keep asking that others to reply, particularly Yamaha personnel.  They might have more insight into this omission. Or, at least what I consider to be an omission. I do believe a spokesperson on another Motif related site said that there was a GM type flute sound without hard wired vibrato, but it wasn’t as good. I just have a feeling that the beautiful flute sound, without the vibrato, exists somewhere.
In heaven?

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