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Viewing topic "Midi tracks to audio tracks"

Posted on: May 15, 2020 @ 07:58 AM
Total Posts:  61
Joined  10-08-2003
status: Experienced

hello, i have cubase elements 10 and a yamaha moxf. I have recorded a number of midi tracks and would like to convert them into an audio track. But if I try to do the tracks via audio mixdown I don’t see anything on my audio track at the end of the audio mixdown except a line. Who can help me please?

Regards Johnny

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Posted on: May 17, 2020 @ 03:48 AM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

It’s more of a MOXF related question than anything, so I replied to your post in the MOXF forum:

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