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sticky Fully working additive synthesis on Motif/Montage… 348 0 10/26/2024 02:01 PM by by DenĀ©
sticky SF6 Button Not Working? 210 0 10/24/2024 02:18 AM by elye
sticky Boutton f2 259 1 10/23/2024 12:51 AM by sofienkesraoui
sticky Keys D Ab not work 151 0 10/22/2024 12:02 AM by sofienkesraoui
sticky Motif Xf Ab and D keys does not work/no sound… 3410 4 10/22/2024 12:00 AM by sofienkesraoui
sticky Audio quality issues with XF8 and Scarlett 6i6… 1224 2 10/08/2024 07:05 PM by vindsoft
sticky SEQUENCER HELP ! 716 3 10/06/2024 08:42 AM by - Henry -
sticky Pattern Mode Playback Question 2023 4 10/06/2024 07:06 AM by yja
sticky Changing sections during pattern playback 692 0 09/09/2024 09:27 AM by yja
sticky Help with saving and loading my own samples please!… 5511 13 08/23/2024 05:24 AM by yja
sticky Loading song files back into the motif xf 2589 1 07/31/2024 04:56 AM by - Henry -
sticky J. Melas Motif XF connection issue 2252 6 07/26/2024 12:38 AM by [email protected]
sticky Motif Rack XS Multi sound is slightly drier than… 1954 1 07/24/2024 09:35 AM by mega
sticky An observant musician’s view of “Montage… 1501 0 07/14/2024 02:07 PM by lastmonk
sticky Create a Voice from a simple wav 1080 0 07/12/2024 08:18 PM by carredondo
sticky Error editing Jamal Flash 1616 1 07/10/2024 12:01 PM by - Henry -
sticky This is a tricky one. XF to XS 1685 1 07/08/2024 03:55 PM by - Henry -
sticky How to load a WAV-File as Backing-Track in Song… 2346 2 06/30/2024 08:10 AM by mas82
sticky Smart Morph for Motif , Mox and MoxF 1560 0 06/22/2024 08:21 PM by lastmonk
sticky How do I Initiate the Sysex transfer from the… 3319 5 06/19/2024 08:51 PM by - Henry -
sticky Sounds not playing but drums in pattern mode plays… 3438 4 06/15/2024 06:49 PM by [email protected]
sticky Spam 5301 4 05/19/2024 10:22 AM by RobinVT
sticky Cubase quits when Insert Effects Selected in MOTIF… 7878 4 05/19/2024 10:19 AM by RobinVT
sticky Motif XF Standalone/VST Editor 1.6.4 5770 7 04/24/2024 05:39 AM by moxs625
sticky Restore original XF voice 3827 2 04/18/2024 05:31 AM by jgodow60
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