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sticky Current (2024) Compatible USB Flash / Thumb… 320 0 09/21/2024 01:26 PM by randomguy
sticky Simultaneously record all tracks in pattern to… 2648 1 06/02/2024 07:20 AM by - Henry -
sticky Transferring VL70-m sounds to PLG150-VL 3373 9 05/10/2024 02:20 AM by - Henry -
sticky Does Yamaha Motif ES6 have auto accompaniment?… 3318 1 03/20/2024 08:24 AM by - Henry -
sticky Can you use ram from a korg triton studio 88 in… 2750 2 03/08/2024 02:02 AM by - Henry -
sticky Sustain Pedal 2697 3 03/07/2024 04:08 PM by Motif ES6
sticky Factory Reset 2333 2 03/06/2024 05:49 AM by dtgross2024
sticky Yamaha Motif Es + Yamaha BC 3 Connect 2403 2 02/29/2024 12:15 PM by Motif ES6
sticky Distorted organ sounds and unexpected volume changes… 1582 0 02/15/2024 09:12 AM by CaroMDS
sticky Combi for Yamaha Motif Es 4216 11 02/14/2024 02:46 PM by - Henry -
sticky Motif ES7 LCD display unreadable until warm up… 1907 0 01/09/2024 11:43 AM by dponze2
sticky 1 question / 2 problems: USB formatting and… 7694 2 11/01/2023 09:47 AM by eragt
sticky Unable to download and save USER 2 bank 3865 1 11/01/2023 05:52 AM by Tekhed66
sticky Unknown part 3285 4 10/30/2023 09:00 AM by romvert
sticky VR60 & Vintage keys Classical Need to bust… 4250 12 09/15/2023 11:39 AM by - Henry -
sticky Motif ES+MLAN16E+ExpressCard FireWire400+USB 4832 3 09/12/2023 12:09 PM by Motif ES6
sticky Editing waveforms ES7 - 8 2123 0 08/27/2023 04:50 AM by rpml
sticky Pinnacle USB710 external device to FireWire 3854 5 08/24/2023 11:36 AM by - Henry -
sticky Category Search -Favorites Voices 5073 2 07/15/2023 10:52 AM by Motif ES6
sticky Lost Info stored on USB 2791 0 06/21/2023 08:21 AM by Steve Michaels
sticky Yamaha PLG150VL Bank128 4911 3 06/03/2023 07:40 AM by tksense
sticky Flute sound without vibrato 4759 1 02/05/2023 08:49 AM by LNovik
sticky Master Mode 4269 4 01/10/2023 07:18 AM by BeeRad
sticky The pattern and the song are insert effects. 4453 15 01/01/2023 09:12 AM by - Henry -
sticky PLG150VL -Express Pedal 4094 2 12/24/2022 05:59 AM by Motif ES6
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