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Viewing topic "Motif XS: mLAN AUDIO SETUP Tutorial"

Posted on: January 18, 2038 @ 07:14 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Advanced Application: mLAN Audio Setup tutorial

This tutorial picks up where the mLAN/Firewire Quick Setup Guides left off. Be sure to download, read and setup Studio Manager and Cubase AI4 according to the Quick Guide for your computer type (Windows or Macintosh)…

This Advanced Application tutorial will apply to either Windows or Macintosh, as there is no difference in how it operates in either computer system.

The music data in a Motif XS ALL data (.X0A) is provided so that you can spend time learning about routing (rather than being ‘distracted’ with your own music). The purpose of the article is to get you comfortable with routing decisions and how the mLAN workflow happens. Please use the provided material while learning - then feel free to apply this knowledge to your own session.

Enjoy! And as always your feedback is welcome…


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