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Viewing topic "Yamaha S03 SL Editor for modern Mac or PC?"

Posted on: July 28, 2024 @ 07:37 AM
Total Posts:  740
Joined  05-05-2008
status: Guru

Hi guys.

I finally turned on my first synth my mother bought me in school.

It sounds just amazing. See nothing bad in it. I really like it. But the only 1 issue is how to save you presets to computer so in case somthing will happend i will not lose my presets.?
Also i am planing to move to another country and i will not be able to take this synth. So i am planing to buy the same synth there and load my patches there.

Yamaha S03 SL.

By the way
On youtube demos of this synth which i found were so boring and do not show what this synth can actualy do. I did a short demo if sombody is intresting to here:

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Posted on: July 28, 2024 @ 07:06 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


chilly - 28 July 2024 07:37 AM

But the only 1 issue is how to save you presets to computer so in case somthing will happend i will not lose my presets.?

Assuming that your computer has a MIDI interface, you can probably still use the old S03 Voice Editor (Windows version only; A Mac version also existed, but is no longer available) to create a backup of your Voice data. If you encounter problems, Windows computers have the ability to install and run older software - such as these Yamaha editors - in Compatibility Mode.

Voice and Multi data can also be transmitted to the computer using the Bulk Dump function. A MIDI interface is required, and you also need software (e.g. MIDIox) that can record System Exclusive data and save it as a file.

- H -

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Posted on: July 29, 2024 @ 02:49 AM
Total Posts:  740
Joined  05-05-2008
status: Guru

Thanks. I will try.

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