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Viewing topic "Montage M"

Posted on: October 09, 2023 @ 10:35 PM
Total Posts:  369
Joined  12-17-2013
status: Enthusiast

The new Montage M is a masterpiece!

The redesigned user interface is not only functional, its beautiful.

It is inspiring just to look at.

Nautilus, Phantom, PC 2700 are all going to have to go back to the drawing board.

The engineers, the UI/UX designers, the sound designers have created a work of art in Montage M.

Finally, a synthesizer that is a worthy successor to the Motif

Montage M

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Posted on: October 11, 2023 @ 07:14 PM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  01-27-2012
status: Regular

I hope you don’t mind me putting you on the spot a little with this question. Back in 2021, you posted an excellent comparison of the Montage and Motif XF ("Motif vs Montage 5 Years Later") and felt that while the Montage through several firmware updates had improved significantly over the years, you still wouldn’t regard it as a complete replacement for the Motif, but more as something complementary. Given your extremely enthusiastic comments about the Montage M, do you think it has now reached the point where you WOULD regard it as a viable replacement to the point where you might consider selling your Motif XF8 for it?

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