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Viewing topic "Arpeggiator help with Motif XS series."

Posted on: July 05, 2021 @ 11:17 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  03-02-2017
status: Newcomer

Hi, trying to replicate the keyboard sound on Pat Benatar’s “We Belong”. I’m not very programming savvy but I believe the intro keys are using an Arpeggiator? Not 100% sure. I’m looking for suggestions on how to duplicate that sound if it’s possible.  From what I have seen in the instructions I need the right pattern number out of thousands and it doesn’t seem to be in any type of sort or menu.  Just numbers.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Posted on: July 05, 2021 @ 03:12 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Welcome to the forum.

The Arpeggio Type List is found in the XS Data List 2, which you can download here:

You could also create your own Arp by using the “Put Track to Arpeggio” Job. This thread might be helpful:

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