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Viewing topic "Need a good “general” Reverb for System FX"

Posted on: March 06, 2021 @ 04:01 AM
Total Posts:  542
Joined  11-01-2003
status: Guru

I play live and that means different locations and acoustics to deal with, gig to gig. There’s no time before or during the gig to go through every Song and change the System Effects since it would entail changing the individual Effects Send settings.

Am I doing it all wrong perhaps. Or is that just the nature of the beast? 

I’m wanting to have one basic Reverb on each Song/Pattern/Performance that will, in most cases, work for most restaurants, indoor or outdoor. Just a little ambient reverb/delay that sounds natural. (I find that the Yamaha default to REV-X Hall is WAY over the top.)

Any suggestions?

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