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Viewing topic "Merging Songs on the Motif ES"

Posted on: March 05, 2020 @ 07:21 PM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  10-08-2008
status: Newcomer

I am trying to create a medley of 2 songs. What are the steps to merge 2 songs so 1 plays immediately at the end of the section I am saving while maintaining the correct tempo and instruments?

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Posted on: March 05, 2020 @ 08:55 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Welcome to the forum.

Although you’ve posted in the Rack ES forum, it seems that your question is about the keyboard ES model. If so…

If what you’re looking for is to play two already sequenced Songs in succession, then “Song Chain” will do that. See pages 222 and 59 of the ES Owner’s Manual for [SONG] > [F6]CHAIN information.

If you don’t have the manual, a PDF version is available:

Questions relating to the ES keyboards are best posted in this forum:

EDIT: Thanks for continuing the topic here…

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