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Viewing topic "External MIDI-keyboard connected to Montage 7"

Posted on: March 07, 2017 @ 10:39 PM
Total Posts:  38
Joined  01-14-2009
status: Regular

I would like to extend my Montage 7 with a MIDI-keyboard to be able to make more splits. What MIDI-keyboards (brands, models) should I look at? I am thinking something between 49 and 61 keys.

I read this somewhere:

If they want to play two PARTS, say 9 and 10, they will need to transmit IN on two MIDI channels. If their controller only transmits on one channel, they will only be able to control one PART which is like playing a Motif XF (Voice).

So I guess I shouldn’t buy just any MIDI-controller before I make some research. Thanks!

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