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Viewing topic "FS:Yamaha PLG-150AP"

Posted on: September 30, 2012 @ 04:39 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  09-30-2012
status: Newcomer

Selling my plg-150 AP board with great voices.

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Posted on: May 23, 2019 @ 07:18 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
charliehars - 23 May 2019 05:25 AM

The consider “agreeable” to be adequate… the PLG150-AP will “work” in a 9000 Pro, however, Yamaha will assume no liability for the real solid quality. Also, no, they don’t feel committed to delivering voice information to advance the AP with the 9000 Pro. On the off chance that their most current extension item sounds awful in your $3000 synth despite the fact that they showcase it to utilize it that way, really awful. The rep I addressed didn’t trust me at first when I disclosed to him the 9000 Pro was referenced in the public statement for the PLG150-AP, yet when he read the official statement interface I gave he at that point said that since the official statement just said the PLG150-AP was “perfect” with the 9000 Pro that it was a genuine explanation.

The above is SPAM - the link, which had nothing to do with the PLG-150AP, was removed.

Spammers keep getting more sophisticated. The text in the message was taken from the third post in this thread…
...but rewritten to look original. Here’s the relevant text from that thread:
The consider “compliant” to be sufficient… the PLG150-AP will “function” in a 9000 Pro but Yamaha will take no responsibility for the actual sound quality. And no, they don’t feel obligated to produce voice data to optimize the AP with the 9000 Pro. If their newest expansion product sounds bad in your $3000 synth even though they market it to use it that way, too bad. The rep I spoke to didn’t even believe me at first when I told him the the 9000 Pro was mentioned in the press release for the PLG150-AP, but when he read the press release link I provided he then said that since the press release only said the PLG150-AP was “compatible” with the 9000 Pro that it was a true statement.

Please feel free to remove this post. Thanks.

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