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Viewing topic "Load Wav file into Motif XS in order to play with"

Posted on: November 30, 2015 @ 01:08 PM
Total Posts:  38
Joined  09-24-2007
status: Regular


I need help on how to import wav files into Motif XS7 (Voice/Patter/Song), in order to play Live.
The Idea is to load the wav file and play another part with other sound of Motif XS7.
Suppose I’ve recorded an arrange in sequencer and resampled (.wav), into wav file format. Now I want to use this arrange in a Live gig, Playing along with a Piano or other sound, the same way we do when in Pattern or Song Mode, playing along with the sequencer.
I know it is possible to play the sample file from USB or import it. Wich is the best way, please.

My best Regards
Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

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Posted on: November 30, 2015 @ 02:49 PM
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Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

These might help:

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Posted on: December 01, 2015 @ 12:30 PM
Total Posts:  38
Joined  09-24-2007
status: Regular

Hi 5PinDIN

Let me thank you in first place.
I’ve read the articles you’ve suggested in the Link’s, and appreciated them all. They all improved the big picture regarding possibilities to use (.wav) files in Motif, whether using Drum Voice, Patter or Song, or even play it directly from the USB drive. The latter is rather encouraging regarding the huge time Motif spends when loading (All Files) that contains Sample library. That really becomes an issue in a ‘Live’ situation.
So, if you allow me to ask your personal opinion in this matter, I’ll put the questions this way;

Question 1)
Which is the best solution, considering ‘Live Gig’ scenario, to Load or playing a wav file so that you can also play the keyboard while its playing, or have it as a track and add music to it to complete a song?

a) Load into a Pattern/Song Track.
b) Load into a Drum Voice and use in a Performance.
c) Play Directly from USB device.

Question 2)
Regarding the option of your choice, can you please describe me the necessary steps to achieve the goal, considering that I intend to play other Voices on the Keyboard while the Clip (.wav) is Playing?

Thank you once more for your time and effort.
Please forgive my poor English
Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

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Posted on: December 01, 2015 @ 02:53 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
S300570 - 01 December 2015 12:30 PM

Hi 5PinDIN

Let me thank you in first place.

You’re welcome.


S300570 -

I’ve read the articles you’ve suggested in the Link’s, and appreciated them all. They all improved the big picture regarding possibilities to use (.wav) files in Motif, whether using Drum Voice, Patter or Song, or even play it directly from the USB drive. The latter is rather encouraging regarding the huge time Motif spends when loading (All Files) that contains Sample library. That really becomes an issue in a ‘Live’ situation.

So, if you allow me to ask your personal opinion in this matter, I’ll put the questions this way;

Question 1)
Which is the best solution, considering ‘Live Gig’ scenario, to Load or playing a wav file so that you can also play the keyboard while its playing, or have it as a track and add music to it to complete a song?

a) Load into a Pattern/Song Track.
b) Load into a Drum Voice and use in a Performance.
c) Play Directly from USB device.

What’s “best” for some circumstances might not be so for others.

An advantage to playing the WAV directly from a USB device is that it can be done while the XS is in Voice mode, or with a Performance, without creating a special User Voice. A disadvantage is that you can’t play other than 16-bit 44.1kHz stereo WAV files directly, even if they can be loaded - for example, a 16-bit 32kHz mono WAV will load, but not play from a USB drive.

An advantage to loading the sample so it is (for example) Part of a Song is that you can trigger it with a key, rather than a button push, which can help you synchronize the playback with your live playing.

Yes, an “All” file with large samples can take significant time to load, and adding more to it increases the time. However, unless you run out of space on the DIMMs, I’m not sure the added time is that much of an issue.


S300570 -

Question 2)
Regarding the option of your choice, can you please describe me the necessary steps to achieve the goal, considering that I intend to play other Voices on the Keyboard while the Clip (.wav) is Playing?

Since I didn’t choose a particular approach, I won’t discuss a method. Besides, the Owner’s Manual and other sources describe the steps in detail.

I’d suggest that you first try playing a WAV from USB, and see if you’re comfortable with playing the keyboard along with it. Decide if you want to load it, and if so, which mode you’d prefer. Then it should be possible to direct you to the procedure in the manual, threads, or support articles. If you get stuck, we can help you with any specific problems.


S300570 -

Thank you once more for your time and effort.
Please forgive my poor English
Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

Your English is good, there’s nothing to forgive.

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Posted on: December 02, 2015 @ 09:03 AM
Total Posts:  38
Joined  09-24-2007
status: Regular

My best regards, once more.
You’ve been most helpfully on this matter, so now I already have set a path regarding what I really need. I’m still studying the Links you gave me and came to the conclusion that need to explore both, the “Play directly from USB” and “Load into a Pattern/Song”. So, for now, if I may, I’ll need your help on this two questions, please:

1) “An advantage to playing the WAV directly from a USB device is that it can be done while the XS is in Voice mode, or with a Performance, without creating a special User Voice”

How can it be done? How can I exit the Play menu, after selecting the file to Play, in order to select the voive or Performance to Play with the Sample Clip?

2) “An advantage to loading the sample so it is (for example) Part of a Song is that you can trigger it with a key, rather than a button push, …”

Here I need to Know, after the load process into a track in the “Pattern/Song”, two things:

• How can I trigger it with a Key, in order that the wave keep playing in that track, and at the same time leave me the possibility to select another sound on another track to play on Keyboard?
• If needed, how can I guarantee that the volume of the File will not play to low? This will not happen when we load into a special voice, for then in that case, we can use the voice parameters to bring the volume up. Could, the ‘Normalize’ JOB function be matter of consideration before load the wave into the Pattern/Song?

I wish you the best. May God give you the strength to continue your precious work on Motifator.

Best regards

Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

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Posted on: December 02, 2015 @ 01:30 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
S300570 - 02 December 2015 09:03 AM

[...] So, for now, if I may, I’ll need your help on this two questions, please:

1) “An advantage to playing the WAV directly from a USB device is that it can be done while the XS is in Voice mode, or with a Performance, without creating a special User Voice”

How can it be done? How can I exit the Play menu, after selecting the file to Play, in order to select the voive or Performance to Play with the Sample Clip?

Select the Voice or Performance first, then use File mode to select and play the WAV. If you decide to change the Voice or Performance after selecting the WAV to play, you’ll have to exit File mode, choose another Voice or Program, then re-enter File mode.


S300570 -

2) “An advantage to loading the sample so it is (for example) Part of a Song is that you can trigger it with a key, rather than a button push, …”

Here I need to Know, after the load process into a track in the “Pattern/Song”, two things:

• How can I trigger it with a Key, in order that the wave keep playing in that track, and at the same time leave me the possibility to select another sound on another track to play on Keyboard?

You could load the sample to the key you want in a User Drum Voice, making sure that Receive Note Off is “off”, and Amplitude Level is “127”, Velocity Sens is “+0”, and Decay 2 is “hold”. Then select that UDR for the Part. From the Song, select the numbered button for the track, and play the key. To play other Parts, select their numbered button.

If you prefer to trigger with the sequencer [>](Play) button, you could load the sample directly to a Part. To play the sample continuously (without having to hold the key down), you have to create a Note-On event by editing the track’s Event List, inserting a note that matches the one you loaded the sample to - set the Gate time long enough to cover the entire sample, and the Velocity to 127. Start/stop control of the sample is independent of the track selected.


S300570 -

• If needed, how can I guarantee that the volume of the File will not play to low? This will not happen when we load into a special voice, for then in that case, we can use the voice parameters to bring the volume up. Could, the ‘Normalize’ JOB function be matter of consideration before load the wave into the Pattern/Song?

If Velocity levels are set to 127 as above, and setting the Volume for the Part at maximum (127) still isn’t high enough, then normalization might be necessary.

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Posted on: December 03, 2015 @ 11:06 AM
Total Posts:  38
Joined  09-24-2007
status: Regular

Hi 5PinDIN,

Let me thank you for all your help. Best regards, for you and all motifator team.

Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

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Posted on: December 03, 2015 @ 11:48 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
S300570 - 03 December 2015 11:06 AM

Hi 5PinDIN,

Let me thank you for all your help. Best regards, for you and all motifator team.

Leopoldo Fernandes
Lisbon - Portugal

You’re welcome - I’m glad to help when I can.

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Posted on: December 07, 2015 @ 11:28 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Continued here:

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