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Viewing topic "Kyrie by Mr. Mister - sequenced Bass Part - Need help"

Posted on: April 07, 2015 @ 08:48 AM
Total Posts:  23
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Regular

Hello everyone,
The band we perform in has two keyboard players (6 keyboards) 3 of which are Motif XS’s.  We love the sounds.

In this band, we do not track or have done any sequencing in the past.  We play all the parts that people hear. We have been working on a new song obviously it’s Kyrie. On this particular song it would be great to use some of the motifs capabilities if it can do this. 

set up performance patch with 4 sounds for song: Kyrie by Mr.Mister
program bass sound for “sequenced” bass line

We have Successfully created 4 sounds
We have Successfully created 11 patterns to cover all keyboard bass parts for song.

Next Goal:
assign each of 11 patterns to 11 individual keys with no loop
pattern will continuously play while key is depressed once key is lifted, the pattern will stop at the end of the phrase remaining 3 sounds are available for live play with no affect on bass patterns.

I want this all to happen within the performance patch for live performance play.
We have not figured out how to assign patterns to individual keys.
We have not figured out how to eliminate continuous loop
(while trying out newly recorded patterns, the loop will not stop, even though they were recorded with loop function turned off)
looking for guidance, the manual does not seem to address my specific desire. or at least we can’t find or interpret the specific parts of the manual to guide us through this.

Thank you in advance!!!

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Posted on: April 07, 2015 @ 08:52 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
donsimpson12 - 07 April 2015 08:48 AM

[...]We have Successfully created 4 sounds
We have Successfully created 11 patterns to cover all keyboard bass parts for song.

Next Goal:
assign each of 11 patterns to 11 individual keys with no loop
pattern will continuously play while key is depressed once key is lifted, the pattern will stop at the end of the phrase remaining 3 sounds are available for live play with no affect on bass patterns.

Just to clarify a couple of things before I make suggestions…

Are the bass parts in 11 separate Patterns, or are they (hopefully) in 11 Sections of one Pattern?

Approximately how long (in time) are each of the bass parts?


donsimpson12 -

I want this all to happen within the performance patch for live performance play.
We have not figured out how to assign patterns to individual keys.
We have not figured out how to eliminate continuous loop
(while trying out newly recorded patterns, the loop will not stop, even though they were recorded with loop function turned off)
looking for guidance, the manual does not seem to address my specific desire. or at least we can’t find or interpret the specific parts of the manual to guide us through this.

Thank you in advance!!!

I have an approach in mind that you might not have considered. Whether it’s practical might be dependent on the answers to the questions above.

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Posted on: April 07, 2015 @ 09:57 PM
Total Posts:  23
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Regular

the 11 bass parts are within 1 pattern bank
2 parts are 4 beats = 1 measure
remaining parts are 1 beat each
(all performing 16th notes ( 4 notes per beat )

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Posted on: April 08, 2015 @ 12:54 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
donsimpson12 - 07 April 2015 09:57 PM

the 11 bass parts are within 1 pattern bank
2 parts are 4 beats = 1 measure
remaining parts are 1 beat each
(all performing 16th notes ( 4 notes per beat )

OK, I’ll assume that the tempo isn’t particularly slow, and that therefore each Section isn’t very long in time. This should work…

You can resample the Pattern Sections, creating a multisample Waveform, with each sample assigned to a different key. That Waveform can be used in a User Voice, which can become one of the four in a Performance.

Start by saving your work to a flash drive, for safety. As further protection in case something goes awry, copy the Pattern to an empty one, and work with the copy.

Select your Pattern, and the Section you want to play on the lowest key. If the Sections in the Pattern are already ordered the way you want, then that would be Section A. See Bad_Mister’s post in this thread:
Some changes to his procedure…
Instead of setting Keybank to C3, set it to the lowest note you want to use to play the first bass part. For a single measure Section, Punch In/Out should be 001-002. Once you’ve got the sample, you can edit it - Normalize if needed for correct level, and set Play Mode to “one shot” to prevent looping.

Exit back to Pattern Play, select the next Section, and repeat the procedure, beginning with pressing [INTEGRATED SAMPLING]. Be sure to set the Keybank to the next key you want to use. Keep repeating the above until all 11 Sections have been resampled. There should be 11 Keybanks when you’re done, one for each key you chose. You might want to use the Rename Job to identify the Waveform.

Next select Voice Mode, and initialize a Voice. Edit Element 1, setting Wave Bank to USR, and the Wave Number to whatever your Waveform is. You’ll probably also want to edit the Amplitude AEG time so that the sample doesn’t stop when a key is released - you could set the Release time to 127, and perhaps set Decay 1 and Decay 2 to 127 as well. Naming it something recognizable would probably be a good idea. Be sure to STORE the Voice when you’re satisfied with it.

Saving an “All” file at this point would be prudent.

The rest is a matter of creating a Performance with this Voice and the three others, using Note Limit to ensure that the other Voices (Parts) can’t be played in the range assigned to the bass keys.

SAVE another “All” file before turning the power off.

I hope that helps. If you have a problem at any point, post and we should be able to get you through it.

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Posted on: May 04, 2015 @ 09:07 PM
Total Posts:  23
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Regular

It’s been a little while..  Working on other things at the same time can do that to a person.. ;-)

OK, Here are the Steps from Bad Mister’s post that was referenced above.  I will mark the spot where were are getting stuck.

We have patterns saved on Motif and can play back each part.
It I knew how to save the patterns off, I would attach it to this post for reference.

This will take you to the SAMPLE SELECT screen
� Select an empty WAVEFORM 0001-1024
� Press [F6] REC

Set the SOURCE and DESTINATION parameters
� Set your Destination TRACK “x”, KEYBANK C3
This should be any empty track.

>>>> Place where we are getting stuck. Seems like there is a step missing ?? <<<<<<

� Press [F6] to move to STANDBY - check your
levels on the Meter; If you need more level use the REC GAIN parameter for a +6dB or +12dB boost
� Set Punch-In and Punch Out points… 001 to 005
This is from the top of the pattern to the first beat of measure 5 - that equals four complete measures.

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Posted on: May 05, 2015 @ 07:27 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

I’m going to assume that the problem is actually slightly past the point you marked, and that after you “Press [F6] to move to STANDBY”, there’s no Level Meter movement.

The way to “check your levels on the Meter” is by pressing the SEQ TRANSPORT
[ â–º ](Play) button. Once REC GAIN is set for acceptable levels, press [ â–  ](Stop), then press [ |â—„ ](Top).

You can then continue with “Set your TRIGGER MODE = MEASURE”

I hope that was the hang-up. If not, please provide more details.

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Posted on: May 05, 2015 @ 11:23 PM
Total Posts:  23
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Regular

OK.. Thank you so much fro walking through this with us. 
We have a couple of questions as we getting closer.

1) Found we needed play mode to “Loop”.  This means that the bass part simply repeats after the end of the phrase.

2) When the key is lifted, we need it to complete the sample phrase.  Further example, he wishes to control the initial start of the bass phrase by pressing a key. Then if he lifts a finger and presses the next key for the next phrase, the previous phrase muse complete before the next phrase begins. This will enable multiple phrases to stay in timing in sequence.
Further example of this is when he moves from one pattern to the next. Each phrase completes before moving to the next.

3) How do you remove sample without rebooting keyboard. No delete function in this section.— Sometimes we get a noise click at the end of the phrase sample, and sometimes it doesn’t.  Any tips??

4) Jumping ahead, when we get the above figured out, do we save just the sample to a memory stick or can it be stored internally?

Thank you !! 
It’s pretty impossible to just luck your way through this.
Without the guidance it would pretty much be a lost cause.

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Posted on: May 06, 2015 @ 10:13 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
donsimpson12 - 05 May 2015 11:23 PM

OK.. Thank you so much fro walking through this with us. 
We have a couple of questions as we getting closer.

1) Found we needed play mode to “Loop”.  This means that the bass part simply repeats after the end of the phrase.

2) When the key is lifted, we need it to complete the sample phrase.  Further example, he wishes to control the initial start of the bass phrase by pressing a key. Then if he lifts a finger and presses the next key for the next phrase, the previous phrase muse complete before the next phrase begins. This will enable multiple phrases to stay in timing in sequence.
Further example of this is when he moves from one pattern to the next. Each phrase completes before moving to the next.

I suggest that you read the following, which hopefully will help you see what can be done:

I mentioned AEG time settings in my second post in this thread. They determine what will happen when a key is released, and how sustain will work.


donsimpson12 -

3) How do you remove sample without rebooting keyboard. No delete function in this section.— Sometimes we get a noise click at the end of the phrase sample, and sometimes it doesn’t.  Any tips??

I suggest that you Audition the sample before adding it. If it’s unacceptable, edit it or Exit - there should be no need to delete it then.


donsimpson12 -

4) Jumping ahead, when we get the above figured out, do we save just the sample to a memory stick or can it be stored internally?

XS sample memory is volatile - contents are lost when power is turned off. That’s why I suggested saving an “All” file once you created a Voice based on your samples.


donsimpson12 -

Thank you !! 
It’s pretty impossible to just luck your way through this.
Without the guidance it would pretty much be a lost cause.

You’re welcome. I realize this can be a difficult topic. I hope the above helps.

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