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Creating an account on gives you limitless access to the information you want and need, as well as a direct connection to the Motifator community, the largest music production keyboard community in the world.

Once part of this community, you will recieve information tailored to you and your instruments every time you log in, and you will be able to talk to experts and other users in the forums, share your music, collaborate with others, and much more!

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Remember to select the instruments and software you have below, so we can help you stay updated with the latest drivers.

  • Motif XF
  • Motif XS
  • MOXF
  • MOX
  • Motif Rack XS
  • Motif ES
  • Motif Rack ES
  • Motif
  • Motif Rack
  • MO 6/8
  • MM 6/8
  • MX
  • S90 ES
  • S90
  • S70/90 XS
  • N Series Mixers
  • Nuendo
  • Cubase 5
  • Cubase 6
  • Cubase Other
  • Logic
  • Pro Tools
  • Ableton Live
  • Sonar
  • Digital Performer
operating system
  • Windows XP 32bit
  • Windows Vista 32bit
  • Windows Vista 64bit
  • Windows 7 32bit
  • Windows 7 64bit
  • OS X
  • Other
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