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Viewing topic "For creating Drum Kits…ESX24 or Ultrabeat???"

Posted on: January 20, 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Total Posts:  66
Joined  02-13-2008
status: Experienced

I have gathered some wav samples and am interested in creating my own drum kits. I want to be able to to tweak each sound separately in terms of effects and reverb. I also want to have easy access to all of my sounds as well. I do know that in Ultrabeat you can only had 25 separate sounds and the rest are chromatic sounds....Is there away around this? I want to know out of ESX24 and Ultrabeat which one is best for what I’m trying to do.

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Posted on: January 21, 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Total Posts:  66
Joined  02-13-2008
status: Experienced

Re: For creating Drum Kits...ESX24 or Ultrabeat??? it possible to edit each sample with in a group separately in ESX24? for example C and C# might have the same kick but the kick on C has a different effect then the kick on C#. This way each note with in the drum kit would have its own distinct settings.

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Posted on: January 22, 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

Re: For creating Drum Kits...ESX24 or Ultrabeat???

Of course, the answer is dependent on how you work, which you are more comfortable with, and which achieves your desired result.

The EXS24 is a sampler / player so that flexibility that you’ll have with it in creating and editing the samples themselves is far greater than on Ultrabeat.

Ultrabeat is a combination drum synth / sequencer and while it will load samples, its editing capabilities are not as great. But is is simple to create pattern based drum parts on it.

Both the EXS24 and Ultrabeat allow you to use multiple outputs in which you can send various drums, cymbals, or groups of the same to their own output channel where you can apply effects as you like…

If you need more than 25 instruments in Ultrabeat, you can always create two separate custom kits (for instance, one for drums /cybals and the other for percussion, triangles, shakers, etc...) and instantiate them both- playing them as two separate instruments…

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