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Viewing topic "mLan wordclock master and root device"

Posted on: December 26, 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Total Posts:  1534
Joined  10-17-2005
status: Guru

Currently my mLan setup consist on a computer, 01X, i88x and the Motif XS6 with the mlan16e2 card.

I still don’t understand the purpose of the root device, I mean, I don’t know which device is better to serve as root.

Now I’m using the 01X as wordclok master, so I can work with the setup even if my computer is not turned on, but maybe the i88x is more stable?

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Posted on: December 31, 2008 @ 11:49 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: mLan wordclock master and root device

None of the nodes will be more stable. They all are using the same mLAN clock. The significance of the root device is that because of inconsistencies in computer setups you may notice a difference if in a network you specify a different device as the ROOT device. Say you record with one device as the Root Device and later when you playback you have a different device as the Root - there may be a difference (not that you would necessarily hear this difference). It is simply recommended that you select a device that reamins constant in your configuration… to ensure consistent audio quality.

For example, if you always run things through the 01X, it makes the logical choice as both the ROOT DEVICE and wordclock Master… If there are times when you may or may not be using an I/O device (like the i88X) or a synth with the mLAN16E2, they would not be a good choice as the Root Device (because you may be using it during the record phase of your project and not at all during mixdown.

It is defined as follows: “In a network of mLAN devices, the “root” is the node that is the reference point for data transmission.”

Keeping that reference point consistent in your network just means more consistent quality.

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Posted on: December 31, 2008 @ 12:03 PM
Total Posts:  1534
Joined  10-17-2005
status: Guru

Re: mLan wordclock master and root device

Thank you Phil for such great explanation. Now I understand.

Have a nice new year’s eve!

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